Nelson College Nelson College

Level 2 Fine Wood

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr C. Botes.

Recommended Prior Learning

Students who have not yet reached 10 credits in level 1 Wood, Metal or Level 2 & 3 Design Technology, will be required to be interviewed by the Teacher in Charge prior to approval. If approved they will be encouraged to complete the units that have not yet been achieved, before continuing onto Level 2 standards.

This course is an introduction to the basic principles of cabinetmaking. Students use a variety of machines and power-tools to construct a step-stool and bed-side cabinet. Having prior knowledge of basic woodworking skills is a pre-requisite for this course. 

Course Overview

Term 1
Safe working practices and skilled use of hand tools.
Construct hand joints for furniture.
Project incorporating a variety of joints.

Term 2
Operating a flatbed sander.
Operating a band saw.
Construct a furniture carcase.

Term 3
Use basic powertools.
Bedside cabinet project.

Learning Areas:



Level 3 Trade Building - Two option course 8 hrs

This course focuses primarily on the development of safe working practices, accuracy, sound hand tool and machine techniques. These skills set students up for a pathway in Building, Cabinet Making or other related trade disciplines.

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Covered shoes are compulsory. The course will be in co-operative learning groups, working together on set projects. These projects will be sold to cover course costs and/or be available for purchase by students if they wish. There is also an option for an individual project. A budget will be written up by the student and all costs must be met prior to building it.
This course has a cost of $70 that covers materials and consumables for take home projects.