Senior ESOL Immersion
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Ms C. Armstrong-Hernandez.
Nelson College's ESOL Immersion programs provide English language support for students with little or no English. Senior Immersion is a 4-hour a week course that takes the place of English and/or other core subjects. The key focus of the course is building literacy skills which can be transferred to the workplace.
Students in this course may range from Year 11 to Year 13. Students placed in this program may gradually transition out to other subjects as they acquire the level of English needed to cope with the rest of the curriculum. It will focus on the skills required for Level 1 Literacy: reading, writing and grammar.
This course is designed as extra language support for former refugee, migrant and international students who speak English as a second or other language. It will support students to work towards L1 Literacy.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Write a simple text for a practical purpose in English language
Read and understand a straightforward English language written text on a familiar topic
Read and understand a range of simple English language written texts independently
Present information on a familiar topic in English language