Nelson College Nelson College

Year 10 English

Course Description

This course develops skills in written, oral and visual language through the study of novels and nonfiction, short stories, poems, film, drama and media. 

Specific areas include:

  • Reading: Building on Year 9 content. Encouraging and supporting personal reading across a range of texts through regular engagement with the school library, individual and whole class text study and personal reading tasks.
  • Writing: Building on Year 9 content with a focus on student self reflection and assessment to improve style, structure and ideas. 
  • Oral and Visual: Building viewing and presenting skills through designing and developing presentations and fostering an increasing awareness of the form and function of a variety of texts such as film, media, static images, speeches and debates.

Learning Areas:

Year 10 Compulsory Subjects, English


Level 1 English Communication Literacy, Level 1 English Literature, Level 1 English Multimedia